16 Domain Name Tools Used by Industry Experts
16 Domain Name Tools Used by Industry Experts
Bulk Whois Lookup helps you perform a bulk Whois lookup all in one easy and simple step. To domain name search Whois records just enter up to 500 domains into this tool and you’ll get all the Whois information in return. This bulk Whois checker will show you all details including the owner name, address, email, phone number, registrar and plenty more.
If you have had you eye on a domain and have been waiting for it to “drop” then you’ll know that being able to find out the drop date – the date at which you can register it – is very important. This domain expiry date checker is simple to use and free to find out when domain expires.
Bulk Whois Lookup filters out domains to meet your specific criteria. Sometime you only wish to see the .com domains in the list full of .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us. It can filter out domain length, exclude numbers, dashes and more.
This tool is very helpful if you have a large list of domain names and only want to see the ones with a particular feature or expired domains.
4. Domain Availability Checker
Domain Availability Checker lets you check domain names including all common domain extensions, you just enter the name and it looks for you.
This bulk nameserver checker is quick, reliable and easy to use, we know how important it to for you to know what IP addresses and what nameserver is assigned to a particular domain and now you can check hundred of them at once
Bulk Domain Age Checker helps you quick find out domain registration date, expiration date and name of registrar.
7. Bulk Dmoz directory listing checker
Bulk Dmoz directory listing checker gives you a simple yes or no when you enter up to 500 domains as it checks each one to see if it has been listed in the Open Directory or DMOZ.
Check up to 200 URLs at once to see the page authority, domain authority, MozRank and link total for a page.
Pagerank is a numeric value that shows how important a web page is on the net. The higher number is the better. If you are a domain investor who is usually working with large domain list, then you will find Bulk Pagerank checker very helpful.
10. Bulk Alexa Ranking Checker
Bulk Alexa Ranking Checker can show the current position of multiple websites in Alexa ranking system. Bulk Alexa Ranking Checker shows the current Global ranking, Reach, 3 month change of multiple domains within the Alexa rank system. This system is one that measures the traffic to a site by users so it’s very important to many domain owners, buyers, and webmasters.
Bulk Wayback Machine checker tool is great for seeing which of your own domains or domains you’re interesting in buying is accessible by the Wayback Machine. The Wayback archive results of this tool will show if the domain has been archived, how many times and when it was first and last archived. By using this internet archive search you will be able to see in an instant all of this information that will help you to go ahead and purchase domains or do any work to existing ones that you have already.
Bing and Google index checker is perfect for the busy domain purchaser and webmaster who wants to check possible domains for sale. Enter up to 500 different domains to check if they have been indexed in Google or Bing. By using this Bing and Google site checker you can make a much more informed choice when you are considering buying a lot of domains.
Bulk Social Share Count helps to track social media shares so you can see how your site is ranking in the social network world (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, StumbleUpon).
It’s very important when you’re wanting to use a word or phrase that you make sure to check trademark. This is what this tool can help you with, all you have to do is enter the word or phrase in a domain, up to 500 per line and you’ll see if there is a trademark registered against it or not.
This tool links a domain to IP address and therefore to a location as well so is very handy at giving you a lot of information at once in a timely manner. If you want to find domain location of any domains (or websites) you either own or from someone else then you can use this tool and it will show you the IP, the location – including city, region and country and the ISP/domain host.
16. Bulk domain expiry date checker
If you have had you eye on a domain and have been waiting for it to “drop” then you’ll know that being able to find out the drop date – the date at which you can register it – is very important. This domain expiry date checker is simple to use and free to find out when domain expires.
1. Bulk Seo Tools. Retrieved from http://www.bulkseotools.com on 08 Dec 2017. 2017 Bulk Seo Tools – My App Catalog LLC.